Diamond Sponsor
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), the national center of astronomical research in Japan, has the most advanced observing facilities in the world. As an Inter-University Research Institute, we promote the open use of these facilities among researchers throughout Japan, as well as encourage flexible international cooperation. NAOJ aims to promote the development of astronomy, astrophysics, and the related fields of science.
Gold Sponsors
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric has been a pioneer of space technology development in Japan since the 1960s, and is strongly committed to international space development and satellite construction. Its Space Division has participated in a wide range of high-performance payloads and bus components in multiple satellite programs worldwide.
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
As the national research institute for astronomy since 1974, KASI has conducted research activities, in particular, by developing, establishing, and operating medium- and large-sized observational facilities and instruments and has laid the foundation for the advances of science. Solidifying scientific capabilities in terms of research and telescopes, KASI works toward a higher level of research cooperation via a global network.
Silver Sponsors
Korean Astronomical Society
The Korean Astronomical Society was founded on March 21 – the spring equinox, 1965 starting with about 20 people. Today, its history reaches over 50 years and as of June 2020, the total number of members has grown to ~1100.
GOTO INC is located in Fuchu City, a richly green suburb of Tokyo. It is a unique company working solely in the astronomy industry since its inception, making telescopes and planetarium projectors since our founding by Seizo Goto in 1926. As a very young man, he began the company to manufacture small telescopes. In the 90 years since then, the company has grown and expanded, but still maintains our founder’s wish to never compromise on excellence.
Nishimura Co., Ltd.
Nishimura Co., Ltd. deals with astronomical instruments, such as Astronomical Telescopes, Solar Telescopes, Specialized Observation Instruments, e.g. used in scientific research and education field. All products are custom and are staring to space in world-wide facilities.
Fujitsu Limited
Fujitsu Limited is a global leader in technology and business solutions that transform organizations and the world around us. Fujitsu has a long heritage of bringing innovation and expertise, continuously working to contribute to the growth of society and our customers.
Vixen Co., Ltd.
During the corporate history, Vixen released the world’s first astronomical telescope with an automatic go-to system. Vixen’s technology for making astronomical telescopes is also applied in makings of binoculars and microscopes. It has lead to the creation of new devices like the ‘digiscope’ system. which can take photographs of images obtained by an astronomical telescope or a microscope with a digital camera. As a leading manufacturer of these products, Vixen will continue to improve the technology for making excellent products.
National Institutes of Natural Sciences
As a core research institute in the natural sciences related to space, energy, materials, life, etc., the Institute provides researchers at universities and research institutes across Japan with opportunities for joint use of its state-of-the-art facilities and leading-edge joint research. We have also promoted cutting-edge research in our respective fields of expertise by enhancing the roles and functions of each institute based on the consensus of the research community.

Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA) is one of the 32 institutes and centers in Academia Sinica aspiring to be at the forefront of astronomical research. Devoting our efforts in specific directions, we have built up core groups in theoretical and experimental astrophysics and instrumentation. Research topics carried out at ASIAA range from solar system, star and planet formation, origin of life, to extra-galactic science, cosmology, and supermassive black holes. ASIAA also frequently hosts international workshops and conferences. The goal of ASIAA is to become an international research institute engaged in frontier projects, competing and collaborating with the leading research groups worldwide.
AstroArts Inc.
- Konica Minolta Science and Technology Foundation
- NAOJ Research Assemblies on an Open Application Basis: NAOJ-RCC-2302-0103
- Society for Promotion of Space Science
- Japan National Tourism Organization
- Japan Tourism Agency