2023 Asia-Pacific Regional IAU Meeting
August 7-11, 2023
in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

Recent Updates
November 09, 2023: Final Oral and Poster Presentation lists
September 13: Final participants list uploaded
August 30: Photo Album Opened

All participants including presenters are kindly asked to register and make the payment for your APRIM 2023 registration.

Presenter Instructions
Essential information for presenters is available on this page.

Transport Tips
You can find transport tips and local information on this page.

Exhibition & Sponsorship
APRIM 2023 will be an excellent platform for exhibitors to extend one’s reach beyond borders and maximize exposure of one’s organization or company.

Theme Song
The secret is out:
@ACIDMAN song “ALMA” is the theme song for APRIM 2023! This is the first time in APRIM’s 45-year history that the conference has its own. You can enjoy the music with English lyrics from ACIDMAN .Official YouTube channel.
Important: Deadline Reminder for Participation Certificates – No Exceptions
Category : AnnouncementDear Valued APRIM2023 Participants, We’re writing to emphasize a critical deadline that requires your immediate attention. If you require a certificate for your participation and/or presentation at APRIM 2023, it’s imperative that you submit your request to LOC no later than twelve noon, Friday, August 11, 2023, Japan time. Please understand that this deadline is…
Important: Lost and Found Items at APRIM2023 – Your Belongings Matter
Category : AnnouncementHello Fantastic Participants, * This mail is sent to all registered participants, even if the person who attends online and/or cancels the registration. Wow, time really has flown by, hasn’t it? Can you believe that tomorrow marks the last day of APRIM2023? We’ve had around 300 incredible individuals join us, and it’s only natural that…